Second International Meeting in Commutative Algebra and its Related Areas
ICMC - USP, São Carlos - Brazil
22 - 26 July 2019

We have been informed that some invited speakers of SIMCARA 2019 were approached by telephone by people purporting to help with the booking of accommodation for the meeting and requesting their credit card information.
Please be advised that this is a scam!
The Organizing Committees of SIMCARA 2019 would like to inform that there is no organization in charge of providing accommodation for SIMCARA 2019.
Based on the information we gathered, it seems that the scammers are collecting the names of participants from the website, together with telephone numbers from their own webpages, and that is how they are reaching people. Please let the organizers know immediately if you are approached by anyone offering help with hotel booking for SIMCARA 2019.
The organizing committee remembers that each participant is responsible for their reservation at the hotel.