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The registration form is available here.

Registration Fee

Your registration will only be finalized when we receive your registration fee.


NOTE: The registration fee includes the dinner party of the event.

For foreing researchers from foreign foreign institutions and foreign pos-docs:

Click on the button to pay your registration fee with PayPal:

Comprar com PayPal

For foreing students:

Click on the button to pay your registration fee with PayPal:

Comprar com PayPal

For brazilian students, researchers from brazilian institutions and brazilian pos-docs:

Click on the button for instructions on how to pay your registration fee:

Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação


Universidade de São Paulo, Campus São Carlos


PO. Box: 668 | 13560-970 São Carlos - SP, Brazil


Tel: 55 (16) 3373-9700

Last meeting:

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